New Year’s Day

Happy New Year !

New Year's Day Kite Flying

When I stepped outside this morning, Life greeted me with a smile. A cold, clouded winter morning, but the air is sharp, pure and rich in humidity. On the horizon a bright band of luminous, clear sky, crisscrossed by some plane stripes. The street lights still on, ready to give over their faithful duty. The street deserted after a night of boisterous celebrations. Remnants of firecrackers and forgotten glasses of champagne.

It is very quiet and the air is full of promise.

Listen. Just listen….

About Michaela

I am a wanderer and a wonderer, like you are. I love our journey and to walk in the company of friends – to learn, experience, share, laugh, cry and above all I simply love this marvelous, magical, mysterious life. I have no plan (cannot believe I am saying this) and my only intention is to be truthful to myself and others.
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